Learning Today,
Leading Tomorrow

Local companies volunteering time and money to host intern and apprentice programs in the community.

In the competitive job market, we want our rural community members to have the support of local businesses to help them learn the skills necessary to thrive.

Through internships and apprenticeships, we work with local schools and community members to further skills development needs.

  • Collaborating with local businesses.
  • Collaborating with local schools and continued education progams.
  • Collaborating with local residents, who are just interested in learning.

Our main goal is to expand employable skillsets in our rural community.

High School Students

College Students & Continued Education (Upskilling)

Business Partner Mentors

Certifications Received

Why Contribute?

If you have the time or money to help out, it will be put to good use. To request financials, please Contact Us and we will show you exactly how we utilize everything for the benefit of the community. If you have any questions, please reach out.

Monitary Donations

Community Interns & Apprentices is a non-profit (501c3) corporation, all contributions are tax-deductable.

Volunteer Hours

Community Interns & Apprentices keeps a full record of all volunteer hours. If you would like to volunteer your time, please Contact Us.

Business Envolvement

If your business would like to be a part of our program, please contact us. We expect all businesses in our progam to contribute to the mentoring aspect of internships and apprenticeships, and would love to further discuss it with you.